

مجموعة حجرية مهنية كبيرة ، تعدين مركز البحث والتطوير ، شبكة الفروع

News | Wayon Stone X Xiamen Stone Fair | The model of quality stone once again appeared in Xiamen!
May 23,2021

الأخبار | وايون ستون X شيامن ستون فير | ظهر نموذج الحجر عالي الجودة مرة أخرى في شيامن!

Wayon Stone brings more sincere works full of craftsmanship

Grand debut at booth C2040!

There are a total of eight exhibition areas and 20 exhibition halls in this exhibition

The total area of the exhibition is 162,000 square meters, and 1,100 high-quality companies participate in the exhibition

Have a panoramic view of the world's high-quality stone

Booth selection

Wayon Stone is located in Booth C2040. This booth has been carefully designed to show you a completely new look.

Attracted many visitors to the booth to watch and exchange on-site.

The internal area of the booth is clearly divided: stone slab area, stone sample area, finished product area, stone application area, and bar counters.

With the utmost sincerity, we present our high-quality stones to everyone present.
WAYON STONE provide خبر. News you can browse related products and initiate consultations on our website.

                                             معروضات مختارة                                         

Quartz stone slab area

Terrazzo & Countertop Display Area

Terrazzo & Countertop Display Area

Finished product display

Finished product display

يجمع Wayon Stone بين روح الحرفية والجماليات الطبيعية هذه المرة إنشاء حجر عالي الجودة لا مثيل له دع كل الحاضرين يشعرون بأصالة الحجر بموقف جديد المكان: مركز شيامن الدولي للمؤتمرات والمعارض الوقت: 18-21 مايو 2021 رقم كشك وايون: قاعة C2 C2040

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